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Though I only recently started exploring Eastern Oregon in the past 10 years, it holds fond childhood memories for my fiance . He graciously 在我们在一起的第一年与我分享了这些回忆。他祖父母居住的地方,他长大了 frequenting Black Butte Ranch during holidays.summers


随着我们在过去 10 年里打造我们的生活,东俄勒冈州 对我们俩来说变得非常特别。在牧场, we 享受假期,并观看了两个家庭婚礼 two place, two new_world second cousin,50cc cameed 819 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_不幸的是,经历了 一位家庭成员的去世。随着岁月的流逝,我们见证了这个地方的成长和变化。通过 love and loss and new beginnings, Black Butte Ranch and Sisters, Oregon are his family anchor. 


探索俄勒冈东部的其他地方是我们一起做的事情。 We made memories over campfires at Sparks Lake, chased waterfalls on the McKenzie River , enjoyed the dramatic sunsets at Smith Rock, stared in awe at the sea of lava at the Dee Wright Observatory, and bravely_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_hiked 三姐妹荒野。



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